NetBridgeCE Library
A bridged socket interface for the TI-84+ CE.
This library allows you to interface with a serial-tcp bridge running on a computer (ie bridged socket) while giving you the feeling of interacting with a standard socket API. The socket internally handles the configuration and maintainence of the state of the USB subsystem so that you do not need to deal with callbacks, events, or the SRL/USB drivers in your code. Simply use the provided API to send/recv data, emit directives to the bridge, and disconnect/close like you would a normal socket.
In order to use this library, the tcp bridge needs to be running on your computer with an active Internet connection. This program can be found in the tcpbridge folder and is called
Bridge Operation
The expectation of the bridge is that a single byte prefix the incoming data (calc=>bridge) to tell the bridge whether the data is a directive or a relay. A directive begins with the static prefix 0xFB
, then an instruction byte that controls what function to run. A relay packet begins with the static prefix 0x00
and then has the data to forward to the socket.
While it is recommended to use the included bridge software, a different bridge can be used as long as it follows the same prefixing strategy. Imagine your bridge uses the prefix byte 0xC0
for directives and 0xFF
for relay. To support that with this library, you will need to run the following after socket creation:
bsocket_setoption(SOCKET_SET_CONTROL_BYTE, 0xC0);
bsocket_setoption(SOCKET_SET_RELAY_BYTE, 0xFF);
It is also possible that your bridge supports directives that the included bridge doesn’t. You can still use the bsocket_emitdirective()
function. Define your directive, make sure to assemble your AAD properly, and emit it to the bridge using this function. Everything should work fine.
bsocket_emitdirective(MY_NEW_DIRECTIVE, my_aad, sizeof(my_aad));
API Documentation
bool bsocket_create(void *srlbuf, size_t buflen)
Initializes the bridged socket device.
- Parameters
srlbuf – Pointer to buffer to use with serial device.
buflen – Length of the buffer in bytes.
- Returns
true if bridged socket created successfully, false if error
bool bsocket_connect(char *host, uint24_t port)
Attempts to open a bridged connection to the host/port specified.
- Parameters
host – The hostname of the remote server to open a connection to.
port – The port number to connect to.
- Returns
true if connection successful, false if error
bool bsocket_close(void)
Close the open socket, close the serial device and cleanup the USB subsystem.
bool bsocket_setoption(bsocket_option_t option, uint24_t value)
Alters socket operational parameters after initialization.
Do not use blocking sockets until further notice. USB timers not working.
- Parameters
option – An option flag to set. See bsocket_option_t.
SOCKET_BLOCKING - enable/disable blocking mode
SOCKET_TIMEO - timeout (in MS) for blocking mode
SOCKET_SET_CONTROL_BYTE - change control byte
SOCKET_SET_RELAY_BYTE - change relay byte
value – A value to update parameter with. See expected data types below.
- Returns
true if success, false if error
size_t bsocket_send(void *buffer, size_t len)
Sends a packet out the serial device for TCP relay.
Sent packet format is [relayprefix][size_t][data]. [relayprefix] is stripped by the bridge.
- Parameters
buffer – Pointer to data to write to the socket.
len – Length of the data at buffer.
- Returns
Number of bytes written to the socket. Should be equal to len.
size_t bsocket_recv(void *buffer, size_t len)
Recieves a packet relayed from the TCP socket to the serial device.
- Parameters
buffer – Pointer to write the data to.
len – Number of bytes to read.
- Returns
Number of bytes read. Should be less than or equal to len depending on socket block/non-block.
bool bsocket_starttls(void)
Directs the bridge to call tls.wrap_socket on the existing socket.
Use if your connection requires encryption.
- Returns
true if TLS socket creation successful, false if error or TLS not supported.
bool bsocket_emitdirective(uint8_t directive, void *aad, size_t len)
Sends a command to the bridge.
Values of 0 and 1 are reserved for connect/starttls and are rejected.
- Parameters
directive – A single-byte function code to send to the bridge
aad – Additional data to send to the bridge along with the directive.
aad_len – Length of additional data.
void bsocket_update(void)
Calls the event handlers for the USB subsystem. For asnyc use processing transfers and events in code.